LOL Cats

LOL Cats
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Monday, March 29, 2010

Breed of Cats Abyssinian AKA Abby Cats

Abyssinian Breed Of Cat

Very curious, extremely active, not a lap cat.

The Abyssinian cat is also nown as an Abby cat. Ranked of the the top five breeds; the Abyssinian cat is agile and intelligent, they requrire constant stimulation. So have lots of cat toys on hand. The Abby cat is great for an active family, Abbys love to play and investigate and can easily be taught to do tricks. But be aware; don't leave you Abby cat alone at home for long periods of time. An Abyssinian cat's cravings for attention can turn to resentment, which will result in the destruction of your house. A good rule of thumb when considering the purchase of an Abyssinian cat is to buy two. They will provide companionship and a play pal for each other, satisfying their two greatest needs; companionship and attention. Your kids will enjoy summer time fun with their Abyssinian cat; surprisingly many Abbys love the water.

The Abyssinian breed of cat has a short, shiny coat. There signature colors are red, ruddy and beige with specks of black and blue or fawn. Ruddy is the most common. Due to the type of hair an Abby cat has, it does not require a lot of grooming. This breed of cat is also prone to a hereditary eye disease called Retinal Atrophy.

The Abyssinian cat is a high energy, extremely curious breed of cat. A great breed of cat for a family on the move. If you would like information about other breeds of cats or would just like to see cute pictures visit

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